Archive for September, 2014


Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR) announced today that Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) have joined the international coalition of 30 associations in 21 countries dedicated to defending civilian firearms rights.

JPFO was founded in 1989 and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews and other minorities have suffered when they have been disarmed, JPFO has always welcomed persons of all religious beliefs who share the common goal of opposing and reversing victim disarmament policies, while advancing liberty for all.

By joining IAPCAR, JPFO will now be able to increase the reach of its activities worldwide.

“We stand for the rights of people in all countries, of any religion or race that wish to exercise their right to use firearms for legitimate purposes, including self-defense,” IAPCAR’s Executive Director Philip Watson said. “I am personally very happy to have JPFO as our newest ally in the fight against totalitarian countries and the United Nations attempts to advance treaties and policies that limit people’s access to the means of the human right of self-defense.

“The addition of JPFO to the IAPCAR coalition is another important step for the preservation of firearms rights in the battle against international gun control forces,” said Alan Gottlieb, IAPCAR’s co-founder and new board member of JPFO.

“Religious minorities have the most to lose when nations start to eliminate the means of self-defense,” Gottlieb said. “We should never forget the past history of genocide when nations disarm their people.”

IAPCAR Director Julianne Versnel, who is also the Second Amendment Foundation’s Director of Operations, submitted testimony to the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) objecting to not protecting civilian arms rights in the ATT. “Nothing that is in an Arms Trade Treaty should affect a woman’s right to defend herself,” Versnel told the delegates.

The IAPCAR civilian arms rights coalition is focused on opposition to the ATT, which has passed the U.N. General Assembly and has been made available for individual countries to ratify. The ATT does not acknowledge or protect civilian arms rights or recognize the right to self-defense in its enforceable language.

The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights ( is the only worldwide political action group focusing on the human right to keep and bear arms. Founded in 2010, IAPCAR has grown to 30 major gun-rights organizations in 21 countries and conducts campaigns designed to inform the public and promote the right of self-defense and gun-ownership.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014